Tanya McQueen – Creating a Video for your Book

Tanya McQueen – Creating a Video for your Book

Does an author need to also know about video or can they just write what they want to communicate? Let’s join the conversation with Tanya McQueen and Master Publishing Coach Dixie Carlton from Indie Experts to talk about the importance of not only creating a...
David Stokes – Audio Books for Indie Experts

David Stokes – Audio Books for Indie Experts

To Audio or not to Audio that is the question. Join the Indie Experts publishing team as we talk with founder of Author to Audio about what it takes to produce an audio version of your book. Dave answers critical questions about authors voicing their own books, how to...
Diana Thomson – Turning Your Book into Speeches

Diana Thomson – Turning Your Book into Speeches

How do you expand your book into a high quality keynote or workshop presentation? Master publishing coach Dixie Carlton talks with best selling author of Anyone Can Speak with Confidence Diana Thomson, about going from public speaking to professional speaking about...