Helping you stand in your power – Magnificently!

This is not just about advertising, branding, marketing plans, or social media, but it does encompass all those elements.  We’re about ensuring you can get busy with what you need to focus on, while we support  you from the wings, ensuring the articles are written, the posts are shared, the keywords are working, and the work is being done.

To be a 5 Star Author, you need to have all of the 5 Ps of Publishing (author branding marketing and strategy) sorted.

This is just the start…

Then we get into the nitty gritty of all these areas
for you, and with you.

  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Book Platforms
  • Branding
    & Images
  • Vision & Purpose


  • Collatoral
  • Speaking
  • Guest Options

We’ve spent years developing tools that take you as an author through all the ways you can be omnipresent in your market place, through interviews, writing, being present at events, speaking options, ensuring all your handouts are well presented, your topic is on point, and your market is clear about what you do, who you serve, and how they can get more of what you have to offer. 

We’ll also work closely with your own special people such as webdesigners, photographers, social media support crew, coaches, and anyone else who is contributing to your being out in your market place.