HOT Links and Resources for Authors

We get to play with a lot of great tools in this industry . We also get to test excellent programs software, and ‘test drive’ outstanding services by other related service providers.

Here’s where we get to share the gems we know are worth knowing about.  Disclaimer – some of these we have affiliate links with so yes, a few we do get a small commission from if you use these.  But please also rest assured, we would not be recommending these without having real faith in them too.

One of the best tools we use, and continue to be impressed with is KDP Rocket!

Publisher Rocket


In fact, we LOVE all the other tools you’ll find on Kindlepreneur too, and know that Dave Chesson has really nailed it in terms of creating usable tools for Authors.  Including a calculator for working out how to see how many books your competitors need to sell to be in the top positions, and a QR code generator for adding your book cover to a QR code for your readers to scan. 

There’s also a fantastic tool called Book Description Generator you can use FREE to make sure your Amazon listing looks sshmick!

These are all the things you need to be aware of as an author, to help promote you and your books.

‘The Profitable Speaker’ is one of the best Podcasts available for Authors and Speakers 

To get real clarity on many of these areas you need to understand, listen to Brad Hauck’s wisdom and insights – you can also access his programs and we highly recommend them to our clients.

Linked In for Authors is a must-have.  If you want to know more about how to maximise your Linked In effectiveness, then please follow Adam Houlahan, (also one of our authors) and read his books, attend his webinars, or follow him on Linked In.

Authors are speakers, and if you want global profiling then you need to be part of ESpeakers. A global positioning directory for professional speakers. If you ware one of our authors, we’ll help you develop your topic and speaker resources too. 

Alliance of Independent Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors is a global resource packed place for advice on many areas of publishing, book selling, and workshops.  Their resources are endless and exceedingly useful. We recommend joining this as an Author for many benefits offered to both fiction and non-fiction authors. 

We have loads of additional options for authors, including editors, designers, social media and website speciailsts, marketing, audio and voice specialists, podcasters, and speaker coaches…  we share most of these with our own authors.  If you’re seeking something particularly special, you might want to book a call with us to talk about what you need, and how we can assist you.