Announcing New FICTION Options for Authors in 2024

As part of an expansion of Indie Experts, we took a long look at what we’re doing and decided we were well placed to assist FICTION authors needing help and guidance to self publish too.  But this takes a slightly different course than we do with our Non-Fiction authors.  The difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction is simple.  Fiction authors are not focused on wanting to promote their wisdom and specialist areas to their market, they pretty much just want to sell books.  Lots of books and many will release at least one or two every year.  So we don’t really help with the writing phase for those authors.


We can take care of the following: 

Manuscript Review

If you wrote a book, but not sure if it’s up to par, or maybe you’re stuck with the ending, wondering if it’s worth pitching to a traditional publisher, or you just want some construction help to get it finished and ready to edit and publish we can offer an in-depth service featuring two authors who specialise in Fiction, character development and have experience in helping you to ‘get it done’. You get a report, suggestions you can work with and a one-on-one meeting with your reviewer to go over the suggestions and get even more focused on the ‘what’s next’ stages for you.

This might be the very BEST investment you can make in your book and it will  likely save you a bundle on Editing fees too.


Your book will need to be laid out inside to be easy to read, using the best fonts, headings and in some cases extra design elements to impress your readers and make their experience good enough to ensure you get FANS, not just random readers. Cover design is also critical, as is back cover descriptions, listing information, keywords, images, and the best files for uploading. This is all taken care of in the production of your book, byt highly experienced and award winning book production specialists.

Editing & Design

Whether you’re in NZ or Australia, we have access to a range of editors who are specialists in their field, who will help to ensure your manuscript is in top shape before it gets into production.  Our cover design team includes award winning book designers, illustrators, and exceptional formatting specialists too.  Your book will not look or feel like a ‘self published’ novel and you’ll be able to market it proudly and confidently.


You may want to self publish your book(s) and there are a LOT of great reasons to do this. We’ll work with you to ensure you understand the process, have the best platforms operating for your book, with appropriate keywords, marketing support, and readiness to promote your book to your market.  We’ll ensure you know what your options are, how to maximise your book’s potential globally, and have you learning about what you can do to continue to get leverage on each book you produce and publish.

We can also work with you to pitch your manuscript to a traditional publisher if you wish to do that, and we have access to some highly placed global commissioning editors to help further advise you if needed.

Case Study – Michelle Holman:

Michelle had enjoyed success with traditional publishing from 2007-2013 and then her publisher decided not to renew her titles, and they were only available in print, so no digital eBook options.  Over the years many fans asked about new stories, getting them in eBook, and nothing was on the horizon for this to happen.  Finally, Michelle was referred to work with Dixie on a plan to update and renew her books, and continue to write and publish more great stories. We started by ensuring she had her files ready to update into new formats, created some stunning new cover designs, and introduced Michelle to Amazon, Ingram Spark, and all the new options she has as a self published author under our guidance.  We created a stunning brand portfolio, a new website and a launch plan for the five current titles.  Take a look  HERE at what this has shaped up like so far. 

For More Information

Because EVERY book is different, we encourage you to take some time to fill in the questions we ask about your book planswhen you book a time for us to discuss your manuscript so you get clear on exactly what you need.  Our manuscript review service starts at $1500, and your production, design, and publishing services including editing might be from $4000 BUT until we know what your book length is, how much editing you’ll need, your own thoughts about pitching to a traditional publisher vs self publishing and more, it’s very hard to be specific about pricing.  The aforementioned indicators are indications only so you have SOME idea about your investment to make this all come together. We’d also love to offer a FREE ‘explore the options’ service, but we simply can’t because we put a lot more into the meeting and follow up than just the 45 minutes we spend together.  And we’d love to ensure you get high value information that’s really helpful, so we do guarantee this service to be of value – or your money is refunded in full if you find it is not.  So – book a meeting (for $150) and let’s explore what you need, so we can clarify your options and investment.   

Coaching and Author Development Options

Your Author Coach

Sometimes it’s easier to figure out the many steps along the way with a good coach, a cheerleading guide who knows the lay of the land, and can help you to stay focused and on task with your timelines.  Dixie Carlton is a highly skilled and certified coach with 20+ years experience working with clients to get them where they want to go in their businesses.  Your becoming an author is a business, not a hobby, so learn from the best on how to ensure you get the benefits of this being a business, discover how you can write for a living and what you need to do to get a lot more value out of your writing career.

Author Development

You might not need a coach, but an opportunity to figure out more about the landscape of being a professional author.  Things like understanding the many insights into writing, marketing, and promoting your books, media, production and writing hacks, as well as international opportunities.  It’s a big industry, and there’s a lot to know if you want to fully take advantage of all that it has to offer authors.  So let’s start with a conversation about where you are at, what you need and desire most to happen in your career path as an author, and work out a plan to get you there.

If you already have a book published but need help with relaunch or other aspects of Fiction Focused Authorship

We have dealt with this issue often and understand how to maximse your listings on Amazon, Ingram Spark, Draft2Digital, and how to re-boost your old book(s) if needed.  Talk with us about what you need, and how we can help.  A conversation is the best place to start because there are so many moving parts to this industry, and things are changing all the time.  We’ve made it our business to know how things work, what’s doable and what’s not, how to explore multiple opportunities and ideals.  Here’s the link to book a time for a talk about your book. Yes there’s a small fee – but we guarantee that if you don’t find this to be a helpful 45 + minutes of your time, we’ll refund your fee in full.  That’s how confident we are that we can help save you a tonne of time and money on what’s  possible for you and your books by having this conversation. ($150.00 + GST if you live in NZ).

Answers to FAQs

Yes we can get your book into book stores, Amazon, and all online outlets.

Yes we can feature your book in the International Catalogues we work with to seek Foreign Rights opportunities.

Yes we can do advertising via multiple options we know really work if you need that too.

Yes we can sort out your ISBNs’ for you.

Yes we can produce audio books, e-books and print options.

Yes we can save you a bundle of money and stacks of time on common mistakes authors make.