We offer a comprehensive Hybrid Publishing Option for authors we work with. This means we sit somewhere left of the traditional model, but to the right of the ‘self publishing’ option that is sometimes confused with an old term  ‘vanity’ publishing and it’s worth explaining the difference fully here and now. 

Traditional Publishing

This is mostly where you write a manuscript, send it off to a few big name publishing houses, and wait – sometimes for a very long time – to hear if they wish to invest in you and your book.  From there, they will set up a contract, offer you a royalty based payment system based on the number of books you sell and proceed to edit the manuscript, design and produce your book, and then take it to market by publishing it and getting it into book stores.

That’s the quick-version of how it works.  Often you’ll need to work through an agent to sell your book draft into a publisher, and increasingly the publishers will ask you to guarantee the first 1000 copies (or more) at an agreed price. This ensures they are operating risk-free which means that if you’re a first time author, they want to be sure of not investing $10-20,000 into editing and production costs and end up not selling enough books to make a profit.

The Hybrid Publishing Model

Ours is quite different a model than most publishers operate on. Our authors pay for full services of the coaching, manuscript development, refinement, editing ,typesetting and design, then we take care of the entire production and publishing phase, while guiding our authors through all the areas of what they need to know, and do, to ensure a well written book, that they can ensure works hard for them.  They keep all the profits, but also learn how to manage their own author journey for future books too.

Our books are developed and produced to the highest quality, and marketed to the best of their abilty to work hard for their authors. 

Many books simply do not sell enough to earn a high return on their author’s investment, but we ensure they have leverage on their content in a multitude of ways to ensure it’s a worthwhile investment.

Self publishing

this is usually best described as when you write a book, have it edited and designed by someone who may or may not have experience in doing this work with books, and then you put it out to Amazon or some of the other well known online publishing platforms and you keep all the profits.  This is not without risk and investment, which may or may not yeild any results in sales or leverage for you.  You might miss opportunities to get your book well written, edited and designed in such a way as to ensure sales, and most importantly to get your brand aligned with your book so that it really does work hard for you. 

For first time authors it can be very frustrating and time consuming to try and work out all the things you need to do – so some companies offer to guide you through the process for a fee, and might also still offer a commission or royalties payment option to help manage it all for you.

Sometimes we help authors to pitch their well crafted manuscripts or published books successfully to traditional publishers or sell foreign rights of published books to access this market, but that’s not something we commonly work on doing and there are some specific terms and conditions for us to do this.  Please ask if you want to know more about that option.

A Simple 10 Step Process

We start by getting clear on your intentions for your book, your market, then your calls to action.  From there you can work to a solid book plan, weekly drawing out your best content, shaping it into a highly functional manuscript that will work well for you as a book.  That book can then be edited, produced, then published.  Our work includes you being nurtured to either write it yourself, or collaboratively with Dixie and her team.  Our books do not look like or function at the typical level of a self published book.  Our authors are award winning, best selling, highly sought after experts who speak and write on multiple platforms. 

Everything Starts With the Draft of your manuscript so you can get real clarity around
what is needed for you to shine brightest to your market, and make a difference. 

Dixie is a member of the Professional Publishers Association, Alliance of Author’s Association, The Ghost Writers Association, and the Global Speaker’s Federation.  This ensures staying on top of trends across all these aspects of the Expert’s industry.  Our production is handled in Australia by a top award winning production house where other high quality traditional publishers also have their books produced, and we know our quality is outstanding.

An example of what we’re able to do…

As a bi-lingual, highly visual book, Masters of Uncertainty was our most ambitious project to date, and one we came out on top with – just hear what author Rainer Pekek says about it.

Some more of our case studies…

Here’s the journey of a serious non-fiction author now and in the coming decade:

  1. Write your best book – maybe more than one.
  2. Produce a professional book, placing it ahead of the ‘typical’ style of self-published books.
  3. Publish to Amazon, Ingram Spark and D2D, and, if relevant, print some copies to sell locally.
  4. Promote and market your book – and yourself as the author.
  5. Use the book to position yourself locally and globally as a serious contender for speaking, consulting, and training roles.
  6. Gather momentum as a presenter on your topic.
  7. Get good, really good, at this – become a true authority within your area of expertise.
  8. Develop a training program based on your book.
  9. Step up to a whole new level of professionalism based on being an Author-ity Author.
  10. Write another book…or three! Why stop at just one?

If you’re just starting out with a big idea, this list might look overwhelming – but it is all achievable. We know that because we’ve been in that very same position.

We can help you take care of the 5 Ps of Authority 

  • Publishing
  • Profiles
  • Platforms
  • Publicity
  • Presentations