Wasting Time and Space?

Old books on Amazon look old…. they have limited appeal, don’t use the many FREE resources Amazon makes available, and sell practically no copies.  But there are easy ways to improve this.  And it doesn’t mean spending a lot of time, money, or energy on it, to get your books at the FRONT of the store, being featured and promoted to readers interested in your topic… and here’s how to do that.

Here’s your FREE plan

to update your Book listing on Amazon, and a short video on how to do this and WHY it matters.


In June and July 2024 Indie Experts is offering a low cost option to you for help in doing the hard work of:

  • Researching your keywords and categories
  • Updating your listing including re-writing your description
  • Adding an Author A+ content section to your book listing

Valued at up to $900, in June and July this is available to 10 clients only, for $499.00

Here’s some of what an OPTIMISED Amazon listing can look like and how it can therefore work a lot harder for you to sell more books!

Thanks Bronwyn – If you’d like to check out her book… click here

Advanced Learning About Amazon

In May 2024 we conducted an advanced training session online for authors wanting to know even more about how to do A+ Content, Author Pages, and a few other cool things that many didn’t know how to do.  The following is the video about that. 

Please enjoy.