Welcome to 2025

Let’s make it your best year ever with a powerful book, packed with great storytelling, marketing aspects to profile you and your authority journey, and a solid plan for getting leverage on your content. Here are some special offers to get you started – all for January and February only. All in AUS Dollars.


This is for anyone wanting to start a new book, and have it completed well within  2025. You may have just an idea or have already started a book, and feel stuck. Let’s get this project moving forward!


For clients not wanting to focus on their books so much as plan regular coaching and development planning for ideas through the first 3-6 months of this year. Includes full access to our VIP Recourses for 1 year.


If you need your website updated, a marketing plan developed and help with executing that, all with specific AUTHORSHIP and SPEAKING focused, we’re here to help.

Manuscript Review: $500.00



Amazon Listing Upgrade: $1250.00


3 months, fortnightly sessions: $1250pm

6 PLUS Monthly Coaching sessions: $750pm

New WordPress Website:
From $3,500.00


3 Hour  Intensive Strategy Session: $2,250.00


More Details

Manuscript Review – this includes a review of what you’ve already written, with a brief written report on what you need to do, how to complete it, plus a 30-45 minute coaching call.

Usually priced at $850.00


Amazon Listing Update: Enhance your book’s listing with improved keywords, categories and Amazon+ images, Author Central listing update and descriptions.

Usually priced at $1750.00


3 Months Coaching: includes fortnightly sessions of 45-60 minutes with Dixie, follow up recordings and notes.  90 minutes first session to plan and confirm KPIs.
BONUS – Access to all resources for 12 months, valued at $400.


6 PLUS 60-75 minute coaching (1x per month) sessions with Dixie, follow up recordings and notes. First session 90 miniutes to plan and confirm KPIs. Bi-monthly additional email support. BONUS: – Access to all resources for 12 months, valued at $400.


New WordPress Website: If your old site is tired, needs a complete refresh, and content re-write, with author and book landing pages, speaker page, and social media links all checked. New keywords and SEO, easy to self manage updates with basic training.

A brand plan document will also be created for you. 

BONUS: Hosting for 12 months included saving you a further $300.  


Intensive Marketing Strategy Session: A complete brainstorming, planning and execution plan developed over 3 hours. This includes looking at what marketing collateral you have, need to update or introduce and some solid goals set for the next year as a speaker, author, and expert in your field.

Vision, Mission, Values & Needs, Passion focused so that it really works for you. Includes monthly coaching support for 3 months valued at $2200.

These special offers are only available for January and February, and limited numbers available.  

We also have capacity right now to start working on two new book projects starting in February, if you are interested in our VIP 10 month all inclusive publishing and production options or ghost writing services. Please reach out for more information.

We only offer a limited number of these programs each year due to our bespoke specialist style of working with authors. So please PLAN AHEAD if you wish to be an Indie Experts Author in 2025 or 2026.